Lake Chad Information System


The LIS is an online information system providing the Lake Chad Basin Commission with historical and up-to-date spatial and non-spatial data and information for integrated water resource management (IWRM) in the Lake Chad Basin.

This information system stores and manages a wide range of data and information from all LCBC member countries and other regional basin stakeholders in a regional database (RDB) and allows viewing of synthesized data in maps, charts and tables.

The LIS facilitates systematic storage, classification, retrieval, exchange and analysis of relevant information (e.g. documents, data, maps, etc.) on water, climate, environmental and socio-economic aspects.

Furthermore, it is a comprehensive and reliable source of data and information for the preparation of IWRM-related products, such as the State of the Lake Chad Basin Ecosystem Report (SoB) and the Annual Monitoring Report (AMR).

If the user would like to contact the LCBC for additional information on the data displayed, please contact the LIS Content Administrator: Head of Division of the Lake Chad Basin Observatory, CBLT, BP 727, N'djamena/Chad, Email:

For detailed information on the work, the structure and history of the Lake Chad Basin Commision, please refer to the LCBC Website:
