• LCBC: Prolac Team
    • Development Partners: World Bank (PROLAC)
    • Developer: LIS Developer
    • Developer: WB Consultant Team
Project repository
German Federal Ministry for Development and Cooperation (BMZ)Applied Water Resource Management in the Lake Chad Basin (GIZ-CBLT)6
German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)CBLT-BGR Sustainable Groundwater Management in the Lake Chad Basin
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)Improving Lake Chad Management through Building Climate Change Resilience and Reducing Ecosystem Stress through Implementation of the SAP
African Development Bank (ADB)Programme for the Rehabilitation and Strengthening of the Resilience of Socio-Ecological Systems in the Lake Chad Basin (PRESIBALT)43
World Bank (WB)Lake Chad Region Recovery and Development Project (PROLAC-CBLT)18
World Bank (WB)Refugee and Host Community Support Project (PARCA)
World Bank (WB)Sahel Women Empowerment and Demographic Dividend Project (SWEDD)10
World Bank (WB)Local development and adaptation project in Chad (ALBIA)
World Bank (WB)Cameroon and Chad Electricity Interconnection Project (PIRECT)
World Bank (WB)Regional Support Project for the Sahel Irrigation Initiative (PARIIS).1